UPDATE, 1 JUNE 2016: Historic Environment Scotland have publish their decision NOT to grant Comiston Farmhouse "Listed" status [Link to documentation about the decision].
If the farmhouse can be "listed" by Historic Scotland before a Planning Application is lodged, this would likely prevent its demolition... but an application will probably be lodged by 27 April 2016, so RAPID ACTION is needed.
Anyone can lodge a request to list a building, and on the fourth page of the application form is a box to give the "Threat" the building is under, which will enable Historic Scotland to prioritise their assessment.
Visit: the Historic Scotland page describing how to apply. There you find a link to a PDF file which is the Application Form (here's a direct link to the PDF, but you may still wish to read about what's involved at the previous link).
Read more about "Listing" a building on the "Action Information" page of this site... and if you'd like to help save this modest but handsome example of a mid-19th century gentleman farmer's house (apparently designed by a pupil or employee of the renowned William Henry Playfair) then please act swiftly and send in a listing application.
Thank you.